Kelly Fingerpainting

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Stress with Dealing

The stress of dealing with a child who has special needs can be a whopper. We are currently feeling the results of this stress. The insurance does not pay for everything we need. We do not get all of the equipment completely paid for, the therapy, the extra help, the glasses, the special vitamins...the list can go on and on. We are in a big crack at the moment facing the fact we pay out 450dollars more each month that we earn. So far we have covered that by robbing Peter to pay Paul and maxing out credit cards. We are now over our heads and I honestly see now way out.
I thought about doing a fundraiser to help pay for our expenses, but I am in Germany and they do not do very many of those things like they did in the great US of A. If I were on my own turf I would approach my church and ask them to help me plan a fundraiser. Here you still pay taxes to the church and the church does not go out of its way to help you. Believe me, we have asked for help when I was bedridden and pregnant and had small children to take care of. We had to pay for the nursing help ourselves and now owe over 5000 dollars backwards for that one.
Not sure what to do. Please give advice if you have it.
Lonely and scared at 4 am in the morning.

1 comment:

Jacolyn said...

I hear you is very stressful. I wish I had answers.